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The Sensual Academy Author: Morlock
(Added on Nov 3, 2010) (This month 53707 readers) (Total 59382 readers)
A girl barely escapes her relatives with her life, then finds a new career and makes the whole world her oyster. An addendum to the story The Hotel.

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Weighed Average (?): (7.5/10)
Average Rating: (10/10)
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Reviewer: Safranschau (Edit) Rating: Nov 18, 2010
I don't normally join sites such as this, but after reading your story, I needed to comment just to tell you how amazing it was.
Your stories, this one and the Hotel are the two I've fully read, are my two favorite on this entire website. They are so amazing they get to the point where I forget entirely about the bondage/sex aspect and read it as if it's normal literature.
Your stories, to me, are stunning novels that just happen to be about sex, rather than stories written with the intention of sex in mind. They flow flawlessly and I always cannot wait to read on. I read The Sensual Academy in one sitting because it was so fascinating, and I wanted more in The Hotel's universe.
Your stories leave me wondering 1) How you came to be such a fabulous bondage-writer and 2) How on Earth you appear to have a full-knowledge of the bondage world and everything about it. Granted, you may just make things up, but terms you use, phrases, etc., certainly seem to me to be something that I wouldn't have ever thought of.
So, thank you for your wonderful stories. Both The Hotel and The Sensual Academy were beyond my wildest dreams, and I cannot wait to read more of your bondage literature.
Also: I am waiting tooth-and-nail for the sequel, should there be one, to The Hotel, and the 'what happened to Tatum while Teema was at Sulliman's academy', as I'm sure, rather, I hope you are intending to write.
Once more, your stories are fantastic and I would change nothing about them even if I could. (10/10)

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