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Candy\'s Taste Test Author: dale10
(Added on Nov 9, 2010) (This month 89665 readers) (Total 115018 readers)
Candy proves that she really loves her boyfriend.

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Weighed Average (?): (7/10)
Average Rating: (7.5/10)
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Reviewer: delish (Edit) Rating: Apr 26, 2012
The dialog is not terribly believable, and there are a number of grammatical errors, but it has a lot of sex, so it's ok for fapping, if this is your kinda thing.
I wish I could review doctavian's review, though. That is a wonderfully hilarious 10/10. Kudos, you win 3 internets, dood. (5/10)

Reviewer: doctavian (Edit) Rating: Apr 2, 2011
In "Candy" the master story teller "Dale 10" explores the question of:
"Why is it, that unusually handsome, athletically gifted, socially admired men are sometimes attracted to shy, introverted, socially inept, "barley post-adolescent girls," like Candy?
Life truly is a mystery.
Our heroine "Candy" is blessed to have a caring and understanding mother. And she explains to her child, that one of the indispensable keys to becoming a full actualized woman" is accepting a submissive role to the man you love. (See the works of Rodgers and Maslow) For 2000 years the Christian marriage vows of course, have included the vow of submission by the female partner as a prerequisite to "God's' blessing of the union.
Armed with this foreknowledge, and strengthened by a love for "the man of her dreams," "CANDY" become the heart warming story of the transformation of a child into a sexually fulfilled loving woman.
One of the most poignant scenes in the story, is when the protagonist, the Adonis Jordon, sensing Candy's insecurity at being invited to a party where she was the only "child" at a large gathering of adults, orders Candy to publicly expose the innermost recesses of her genitalia to the assembled guests. When Candy lies back on the table to follow her lovers instructions, she is still a child. But after she arises and allows her skirt to once again cover her panty-less pudenda, a young woman now stands before the assembled guests. A woman who's love for "her man" has allowed her for the first time in her life to fully put aside her shyness, her introversion, and her shame. As Candy then discovers the powerful sexually desire, that SHE (BY HER SEXUALLY OVERT ACTIONS) have aroused in both the men and women in the room, we also know that Candy has been infused with a new sense of confidence, self awareness, and inner strength.
Dale 10's writing genius lies in his ability to fully embrace all of the aspects of his sexuality. Which allows the reader in turn to vicariously embrace his or hers as well .
Our societies inhibited Judeo-Christian value system use to prevent works such as Dale's from being openly published. But as the observation of pornographic images, and pornographic themes (via the Internet), has become the social norm, studies have repeatedly shown that a diminution of sexual promiscuity and sexual ofences has occurred in our society.

There are of course some readers who still find works such as Dale's offensive. But the reason for that of course, is that his creations force them to look at aspects of their own sexuality, and their own humanity, ones that they sadly despise. But if they could ever come to embrace the "Candy" in themselves, they could appreciate themselves more fully. And possibly even come to one day laugh at the joy be being fully human.
PS: It is interesting that so few readers have had the courage to comment on Dale's work (BUT OVER A HALF MILLION READERS) have visited the site's web page. The one that list all of his collected works, and web referrals to their location. High praise indeed for "The CANDY man"

Reviewer: Dusty Spring (Edit) Rating: Mar 19, 2011
Great beginning. Takes off quick. Can't wait to see where he takes it from here. (8/10)

Reviewer: studmaster58 (Edit) Rating: Feb 25, 2011
Has a creative twist of plot and erotic.............. (7/10)

Reviewer: Michael247 (Edit) Rating: Jan 13, 2011
I just got done reviewing another dale10 story "Lessons From A Stud" and I sort of took the author to task for providing us a rather lackluster no-plot rant from a 19 year old misogynist punk. I challenged the author to write out a STORY, that took us into the action, rather than acted as a sort of infomercial on how to abuse girls. If only I had read "Candy'sTaste Test" first.
In Candy's Taste Test we are treated to a third person tale which takes us not only into the action of the antagonist Jason Krause, but also into his mindset. It is an excellent blend of the author's fascination with the extreme verbal and humiliating abuse combined with an erotic element. Even the disgusting twist played upon poor Candy near the end of the story had a part to play, which was an improvement over the rather emotionless diatribes told by dale10 characters in other tales.
* I especially liked the foreshadowing of the mother in the kitchen, but then was quite disappointed when Jason didn't go and get her. It would have been the absolute most amazing climax to the story, to have both Candy and her mom being forced to suck and lick Jason and each other in order to maintain their popularity. That could have been the pinnacle of the story, which personally would have been much more appetizing to me than Candy drinking a glass of Jason's recycled Gatorade. Lost opportunity I guess. I would have loved a little bit of incestuous unwilling lesbian sex here. And everything was pointing that way too.
There were a few grammatical errors in this story, which seemed odd to me since the author is usually pretty darn good about his writing. I haven't seen errors like this in other dale10 stories, so I'm thinking this one got posted fast.
All in all, "Candy's Taste Test" was definitely the direction I hope that dale10 plans on continuing. Perhaps even a sequel to this story in particular? (7/10)

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