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Diary of Carolyn Author: Skull Duggery
(Added on Apr 16, 2002) (This month 158849 readers) (Total 218116 readers)
This is a compilation of author's personal diary from the age of thirteen to about age nineteen. It is a fairly detailed description of her experiences in self imposed bondage and personal pain infliction.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 9
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Weighed Average (?): (9.5/10)
Average Rating: (10/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (9/10)

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Reviewer: 25toLife (Edit) Rating: Jan 9, 2007
An instant classic. Although it's written in 1997, it's still one of the best stories on the Internet. I have a feeling that the author is either dead or in jail, otherwise it would be hard to explain why he has ignored the feedback from all the readers. (10/10)

Reviewer: jip (Edit) Rating: Jan 29, 2006
Brilliant. Most of it is for the reader believable. You are right that being nude and living nude / naked is only a question of getting used to. In fact cloths feel sometimes even unconfortable.
The honnest way that the pain is described makes the story extra good. You are searching for the right level, the highest you can tolerate to still enjoy. (10/10)

Reviewer: BigCat (Edit) Rating: Aug 10, 2005
That is one terrific piece of writing. Has the feel of truth to it. Wish there were more. (10/10)

Reviewer: teamster (Edit) Rating: Apr 8, 2004
Although you claim that this is a work of fiction, it has the feel of authentic experience and the level of detail is great. I very much appreciate that you have tried to write honestly about your real feelings. That is what makes this story compelling. No paper cut out characters here, for a change. (9/10)

Reviewer: Jones, Nikka (Edit) Rating: Feb 17, 2004
Great story, feels real even in its more extreme passages. The self-bondage suspension scene is amongst the best I have read. More, please! (10/10)

Reviewer: e.e. norcod (Edit) Rating: Sep 24, 2003
Maybe one of the best five BDSM stories I have ever read. Fabulous. (10/10)

Reviewer: pyromain (Edit) Rating: Mar 2, 2003
Please, skull Duggery, continue this story. The story stops midway and I NEED to know how it continues. Thanxs for no. (10/10)

Reviewer: faustus01 (Edit) Rating: May 9, 2002
One of the best bondage stories I have ever read. Incredibly HOT! I hated to get to the end of it. I hope the author decides to write an equally good second part to this with just as much self bondage and torture, if not more!!! (10/10)

Reviewer: DrPain (Edit) Rating: Apr 16, 2002

I have read most of the story, and it is absolutely brilliant. Please, Skull Duggery, continue this great work. I love self-humiliation and stories in which people, against their will, bow to pain. (10/10)

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