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Perhaps I Should Have Told Him Author: Everybody_Else
(Added on Dec 6, 2010) (This month 59585 readers) (Total 73953 readers)
On our holiday in Sweden my husband decided to give me what I craved. Fate or Karma also included a new player.

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Reviewer: Snark (Edit) Rating: Dec 11, 2010
Excellent! Thoroughly enjoyable. Your English is far better than my Danish (or German) so the language differences are very forgivable. Nice story development, lots of anticipation and a variety of twists adds to the flavor. BUT!!! One month a year isn't enough. Use the weekends as well...and let us know what happens! (9/10)
Replied by: Everybody_Else (Edit) (Dec 12, 2010)
Thank you for your kind words.
The "One month a year" deal is only for my husband and our swedish friend. We shall meet her as friends during week-end stays in our cabin, but only as Master, Slave and Mistress/Slave for the summer holiday.
My husband does not want a 24/7 BDSM relationship and I am free to explore my self-bondage side during the whole year. I don't think a 24/7 slave life would appeal to me either.
I am currently re-writing my adventure in The Adult Cinema (because of helpful advice on writing and story flow).

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Dec 6, 2010
Goddag Allemere.
Being from Belgium (Flanders) I don't have English as a native tongue (those are Flemish and French, in that order. Then comes German and then English), so I don't mind too much about grammatical errors, except when they outnumber what's been spelled right and seriously hamper the reading.
I must also say that you are (what I think is) a good writer, in that you are very capable of telling a story. Maybe you lack in technical ability, but if that is the case, it doesn't show thanks to a combination of skill and language knowledge.
"Perhaps I Should Have Told Him" is quite the fun read, thanks to good storytelling, capable characterizations and nice dialogue.
What I also like about your stories, is that your main character (just like you, judging by your replies) is not a push-over, but instead is a woman with spunk who just happens to have a masochist penchant.
Makes you (or the character you use for the stories) the more real and/or endearing.
Nice writing, for which you have my thanks. Sorry about skipping some of your other stories, but I'll get to those eventually.
Farvel så længe.
JJ (9/10)
Replied by: Everybody_Else (Edit) (Dec 7, 2010)
Thank you so much for your kind review.
This particular story took me almost a month to write. Even though the holiday itself was most enjoyable it turned out to be difficult to figure out what to include and what to leave out. And then came the endless hours of trying to iron out all the past tense and present tense problems. Phew.
I actually started writing my first story because I got fed up with stories starting with "I looked in the mirror and saw my doubble-d's standing proud high on my perfect body." Some of the ties were improbable and some were down right impossible.
So I thought that a story from real life about a woman far from beautyful would be in it's place. The nice responds I got made me write more.
Now I'm much more happy about my perversion and it is great that Hubby has decided to play along on a serious basis (even if it only is once a year).
I am working on The Adult Cinema as promised in two stories and then we shall have to wait untill I have had a new adventure, which will take a while because of the cold. I want my next one to be in an abandoned farm and I still don't know how to find one without attracting too much attention to myself.

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