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meat Author: w.l. telford
(Added on Jan 16, 2011) (This month 87944 readers) (Total 116234 readers)
A woman of rare beauty and intelligence is voluntarily sold into slavery

Ratings and Reviews:
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Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
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Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: janmayen (Edit) Rating: Jun 18, 2011
Great beginning of the sequel to Worlds Apart.
I really enjoy Carol's complete surrender and willingness to submit. I hope w.l.telford has time to write another chapter soon. Very erotic and thrilling. (10/10)

Reviewer: Polecat (Edit) Rating: Jan 24, 2011
Need to see more but can't wait.
After Worlds Apart this start fills me with desire and leaves me waiting anxiously for more. (9/10)

Reviewer: SirStef (Edit) Rating: Jan 24, 2011
great start - I'll be watching for additional chapters (10/10)

Reviewer: strict_master (Edit) Rating: Jan 22, 2011
I don't understand the criticism. Telford is a gifted writer, and Worlds Apart was an amazing story. This takes up where things left off, and thankfully answers the question "are we going to find out what happens to Carol?" I was really hoping. Thanks, Telford!
ps--jimmyjump, I truly enjoy reading your reviews, and appreciate your story listing that I have used to find other literature. We have similar tastes. (10/10)

Reviewer: Sador (Edit) Rating: Jan 21, 2011
I agree completely with yrmasta's comments. That said, I think "meat" part 1 is a necessay pause after the emotionally draining end of "Worlds Apart." Even so, Telford provides some delicious moments: the image of the elevator being a conversion box turning human beings into meat, the fact that the slavers regard her as old at 34 (which hammers home the new reality where her life is measured by how long her physical beauty lasts), and the wonderful scene where the two frustrated guards regard a beauty who would welcome their abuse. ... The title "meat" is jolting yet meaningful; Carol is little more than meat in the meat grinder world of sex slavery. Still, I have the nagging feeling that the cruelties of her new world are not so far removed from the cruelties of her old world that drove her here. Just stripped of pretense and hypocrisy. ... Given that "meat" part 1 is only the beginning of a sequel to "Worlds Apart," a truly great story, I'm amazed at the willingness of some to slam it based on what has to be just the prologue of a story to come. ... Thanks, Telford, for continuing the story of meat, once known as Carol Edwards. As usual for his works, highly recommended! (10/10)

Reviewer: yrmasta (Edit) Rating: Jan 20, 2011
I thoroughly enjoyed worlds and have been hoping to se what w.l.telford imagined happened beyond the lift. For me this starts the sequel well. If you don't think it stands alone well - read worlds and quit moaning! If the whole thing is not for you - go read something else. I think the story is well written and sets up tension well - I for one will be looking for the next part - well done. (9/10)

Reviewer: HardBur (Edit) Rating: Jan 18, 2011
Has possibilities of becoming a good story. (7/10)

Reviewer: Major Littmann (Edit) Rating: Jan 17, 2011
Having read Jimmy Jump's review I understand, perhaps, but there is insufficient information in the first few paragraphs to allow this to stand alone, at the very least one needs to read the middle section of Ch 19 of Worlds Apart to give it any context and I stand by my earlier appraisal of-- An extremely frustrating non sequel to Worlds Apart which neither dovetails with World's or stands alone.
Who is who, who is speaking it's desperately difficult to work out.(Given that only one character carries over from Worlds I stand by that comment) Worlds starts logically and flows, this just doesn't, It should have started with "Meat" naked, not just with the cool breeze on her bare back, the coat and shoes confused me completely until I read Ch 19 of Worlds, as Ch 20 of worlds it's fine, probably, but as a stand alone its pretty poor maybe a 4/10. (6/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jan 17, 2011
I think the major has problems with English. There's nothing in "meat" which isn't in sync with what came before in "Worlds Apart" and thus "meat" is a logical continuation of Carol's descent into her own private hell.
Everything again sits right in "meat": the characters (which are very distinguishable, thank you), the mood, even Carol's train of thought.
That there seems to be less of a conflict inside Carol's head is also no wonder, since she accepted her fate by stepping into the elevator.
Right now, in this short introductory chapter, she's like Alice who stepped through the mirror.
Maybe Carol's a little numb, mentally, yes. Is to be expected when someone has taken a decision like the one Carol took. A sort of detachment from the rational part of her mind.Carol's world had been turned upside down, as was her personality. Now that she crossed the border completely -stepping inside an alternate universe- gives great opportunities to the author to go where he couldn't as long as Carol was in her 'real' world.
That's why, on a literary level, "meat" might not turn out as 'good' as "Worlds Apart", but on an erotic level, things could get mighty interesting.
For now, I again will start off with a perfect ten, simply because to me -and although "meat" is at the same time a sequel and a separate story- there's no border between "meat" and what came before...
JJ (10/10)

Reviewer: Snark (Edit) Rating: Jan 17, 2011
Sorry, Major; I have to disagree. While it can be a sequel it may well turn out to be a separate story altogether. An interesting start, introducing to the reader a small glimpse into an esoteric industry. This reflects quite a different concept of white slavery - not a truck smuggling young women across a border or a boatload of semi refugees; but the high end with technology and huge sums of cash. The initial tension and mental conflict from World's Apart is lacking; there is no conflict present. This chapter works as an introduction only; I had no problem following either the story or the characters; I am anxiously waiting for more. The rating of 9 is only because its so early in the story. I reserve the right to revisit this review in order to adjust it if I wish. (9/10)

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