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Thorn in my buttocks - my bloody whipping Author: tinaslut
(Added on Jan 28, 2011) (This month 53979 readers) (Total 64652 readers)
mmm I simply needed to be whipped extremely hard... to be well marked and make my bottom globes bleed... suffering from extreme pain... how could I do it by myself? Well, I did ;-) read more about it... xxxxxxx tina

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Reviewer: Michael247 (Edit) Rating: Feb 15, 2011
I have to admit, even without a lot of sex, I enjoyed this piece. The author, tinaslut, seems to have a very firm grasp of language, with sensualist descriptions and vivid picture painting. The addition of the picture (which I did take a look at with the provided web address was... startling.
I think the code "real" should have been added to this story. As one of my site's co-authors have discovered, there is a real market for pain sluts who routinely do "real" things. Realism adds a touch of daring to the story, and knowing that things aren't exactly fiction, add excitement in a way that nothing else can.
I'll be routinely checking tinaslut's personal blog and if I see routine high quality stuff, I'll link to it from my own blog. As of right now, there were some interesting posts, plenty of pictures (which let me tell you make the difference) and enough personalization to make it exotic.
Getting back to the story. This was more of a journal entry than fiction. Which is just fine, but I wonder just how incredibly awesome a real FICTION story from tinaslut would be. Realism is all well and good, but getting a story, with the insight that tinaslut obviously has, especially in relation to some of the more extreme forms of BDSM, might be more than just interesting. It would be incredible.
Yours Faithfully,
Michael Alexander
( (8/10)
Replied by: tinaslut (Edit) (Feb 16, 2011)
Thank you so much for your kind words :-) I am completely overwhelmed and I am glad you like my story. As you have noticed my blog compromises both real life experiencies and fantasies and there are also pieces of fiction in it. I also have some fantasy stories here on bdsmlibrary - please feel free to check them out.
I will check out your blog. Thank you once again for your input.
Replied by: Michael247 (Edit) (Feb 24, 2011)
tina, thank you giving me something to read. When I have some available time I'll look at some of the other pieces of fiction you've posted here at the BDSM Library and on your blog.
Yours Faithfully, Michael Alexander

Reviewer: Domination King (Edit) Rating: Feb 15, 2011
Whatever picture you tried to include did not work. Otherwise I am quite pleased with how short, but well written this was. Delicious my dear, to hear your suffering accounts. (8/10)
Replied by: tinaslut (Edit) (Feb 15, 2011)
Thank you, glad to hear you liked it. The story was submitted as a Word doc and obviously imbedded pics don't work. But the story with pic can be found at Thank you once again, more stories coming up soon.

Reviewer: hoodedandmasked (Edit) Rating: Feb 10, 2011
I really enjoyed this - I do hope that you will continue to suffer 9even though I am jealous!) (8/10)
Replied by: tinaslut (Edit) (Feb 10, 2011)
Thank you, great to hear you enjoyed the story :-) Yes, I will definitely continue to suffer... pain has become a sweet need for me... I'm simply addicted to it! Fantasies and reality come together real nicely in my life :-)

Reviewer: stormyseamonkey (Edit) Rating: Feb 10, 2011
Hot stuff! (8/10)
Replied by: tinaslut (Edit) (Feb 10, 2011)
Thank you, glad you liked the story :-) And the best part is that it's all true. Believe me, I really enjoyed doing it... mmmmmmmm

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