Over the Top
Author: pamela
(Added on Feb 1, 2011)
(This month 172717 readers) (Total 228708 readers) |
A story in which both the author and her characters go way too far. |
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Average (?): (9/10) |
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Rating: (8/10) |
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Apr 4, 2011 |
The dialog at the beginning is straight out of V.P.Viddler, then it goes over the top. Yes - this goes over the top of all pamela stories as far as severity goes. Real harsh torture, with implements not seen in Pamela stories so far, like welding torches and pins. Usual goodies, like slapping, belt whipping, cigarettes, sodomy are all there. The other deviation from the Pamela trade mark is that the plot involves more than two women (I can recollect five straight away). The other major deviations are the introduction of bestiality, and snuff (not my cup of tea, but kinks vary). (9/10)
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Mar 28, 2011 |
holy fuck this is good! How can a woman writer understand men so well! The author must be a man, or a american lesbian with a transplanted penis. there is no other explanation! Allahu Akbar! HOLY ALLAH JIHAD MOHAMMAD I JUST GOT TO THE PART ABOUT THE POLICE!!!!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA btw your parents and your whole family are fucked up pamela. that is probably why you turned out so well. Jokes aside, I just want to suggest to the author, have you actually seen torture victims? In the last session, where the girl is tortured for two weeks, one of the methods you used is called a "steam bath" and what happens is that her body would be covered all over with sores and pusses afterwords. I have seen that being done to people and they don't look pretty no more after a steam bath. What I suggest is perhaps more mutilation, and perhaps a little oriental style sewing--like sewing her pussy together and then breaking it with a bat, or maybe cutting her open and harverst organs. It was disappointing that she was given to die so painlessly. I would suggest slit her open from her chin to vagina and vividisect her, cut open her collar bone with a saw and split open her lung--all the while she is alive. Great story over all. Keep writing PLEASE! (10/10)
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Feb 28, 2011 |
It is a "Over the Top" story. Well written. Kind of funny in it's own way. Very erotic. (10/10)
Dr. White
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Feb 24, 2011 |
One of the best written stories I have ever read. The narration is consistent and believable. The action is hot and riveting. The protagonist is lucky as well as smart, and I was rooting for him the whole time. (10/10)
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Feb 21, 2011 |
It's definitely not over the top. I love the use of fire play on tender young nipples. There's not enough of that in stories. Only thing missing is the torture of a young nursing mom's tits with fire and sharp steel. Maybe Pamela will consider doing a medieval story with all of this and the explicit, detailed use of the breast ripper on an adulterous young mom's milk-swollen tit after the mom and her teen sister have been 'interrogated' in the dungeon earlier. (8/10)
Jill Bird
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Feb 19, 2011 |
Nothing wrong with being a bit over the top.It always works for me. I enjoyed this story; it had excitement and a madness in it. (8/10)
mike uk reader
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Feb 19, 2011 |
What can I say. The other reviewers have just about said it all this time, Great story crafted together wonderfully well by author Pamela. Just excellent and I must give you the sweet top. (10/10)
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Feb 19, 2011 |
Whew! Pamela, dear, you're right. It's over the top. WAAAY over! Well written, of course. Imaginative, as well (I would expect nothing less from you.) But as JJ commented, perhaps just a bit too far into the abyss to fully appreciate. But PLEASE don't stop writing; in fact I've missed your stories. And I look forward to many, many more. (9/10)
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Feb 9, 2011 |
I too am happy to see the occasional new pamela story. And I also agree that the writing is again excellent. Where I beg to differ is on the "fun to read" and "enjoyable" part. Because, "Over The Top" is at times neither. For me, there's too many instances where 'fluffy' BDSM turns in to pure evil sadism; a mindless, dangerous beast which takes over and runs amok among the 'weaker' species of creation. I don't think it's over the top, even. It's too close to a certain reality for my own reading comfort. Maybe because afterwards, when looking in the mirror, I see the beast reflected. That proves I'm either on the brink of madness, or that pamela is a damn fine writer. Let's keep it to the latter, now shall we. Based on the totality of the story -and not on my disliking of certain parts- "Over The Top" gets a nice, juicy nine. JJ (9/10)
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Feb 4, 2011 |
Pamela’s treatment of her characters really makes the story come alive for me. I really miss them when the story ends. (10/10)
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Feb 3, 2011 |
So happy to see pamela post more of her writings! Excellent as alwasy, fun to read, enjoyable and well thought out. (10/10)