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A date can change your live Author: LJ66
(Added on Feb 18, 2011) (This month 107339 readers) (Total 139137 readers)
Lisa a beautiful young woman (known as MISS ICEBERG) find out that her date is not the white knight she dreamed off. She is raped and turned into a whore.

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Weighed Average (?): (6.5/10)
Average Rating: (7/10)
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Lowest Rating: (6/10)

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Reviewer: Michael247 (Edit) Rating: Feb 25, 2011
There are times I absolutely hate the rating system here at the BDSM Library. I almost wish we could rate different aspects of a story separately, rather than try to muddle our way through indecision while trying to best fit out feelings into one value.
First of all, I want to state that I suspect that LJ66, the author, is not from an English speaking country. And while it's possible he (or she) is from Wisconsin, my guess is that English is a foreign language. That said, I would recommend that the author find an English speaking editor to smooth out his grammar. There were odd tenses used, wrong words, convoluted sentence structure, and while not as bad as a Rotneb story, it took additional brain power to actually READ. That's never a good thing.
However, what LJ66 doesn't have in language, he makes up for in plot. In "A Date Can Change Your Live" (which should be LIFE by the way), the author tells us the story of Lisa, a typical ice queen who gives her boyfriend the cold shoulder when he takes her to an R rated film and tries to touch her breast. Her prudishness gets her into trouble and he ends up driving her into the woods and raping her. The best line in the whole story is right in this area, right when Lisa is accusing her boyfriend of wanting to rape her. (Which he HADN'T at that point.) "If I want to rape you, it would not be in the cinema by caressing your breast. I would fuck your proper and honest brain out of your beautiful head!" What a great line! "I would fuck your proper and honest brain out of your beautiful head." Isn't that just beautiful? Foreign languages or not, that is a stunning line that conveys so much. I can HEAR the anger and sarcasm in the guy's voice. It's awesome.
What follows is a fuck fest worth of the BDSM Library. She's raped on the hood of a car. She's raped on a table, which was especially good considering that alligator clamps (a personal favorite of mine) were used to help keep her down.
Lisa is also give to some strangers, which is where I start to get a little edgy about the story. Realistically, the likelihood of two joggers you just run into of going along with your rape and sodomy of a young girl isn't good. A sixty year old couple taking up where the joggers left off are even worse. Whats to keep Lisa from trying to run away, and with her mouth ungagged, as it appeared from the story, what's to keep her from screaming for help? Reality breaks down here.
Eventually Lisa is brought back to the beach house and we get set up for some decent incest. Then the story ends. Rather abruptly too.
When I first pulled this story up I wondered how the author was going to cram all of the codes into 27 kilobytes. I think the "real" code should have been dumped. Other than the location, the characters and plot were fiction. Also, the "extreme" code was improperly applied. But other than that, everything got in there.
So to sum up we've got someone who doesn't write or speak English very well doing a passable job of writing a story. The author has an incredible imagination and can even craft a decent story. So take of this what you will.'
Yours Faithfully, Michael Alexander
( (6/10)

Reviewer: Genevieve1986 (Edit) Rating: Feb 19, 2011
I'd love to see more :) (8/10)

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