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Sarah and the Wine Cellar Author: SirRoundSound
(Added on Mar 6, 2011) (This month 87894 readers) (Total 104151 readers)
A voluptuous teen is kidnapped and tortured in such horrible, painful, disturbing and disgusting ways that no girl her age could ever deserve.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 5
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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: redneck one (Edit) Rating: Mar 14, 2011
Really like it. I like the idea of the girl being a BBW and not the typical thing girl with bolt ons. The torture was well thought out and realistic.
Looking forward to your next story. (9/10)
Replied by: FryingScot (Edit) (Mar 16, 2011)
Totally agree. Well written and well paced. Let's have more.

Reviewer: Mr. Willit (Edit) Rating: Mar 12, 2011
I really enjoy stories of this length and detail. Scat is not a big turn on for me, but the pain and hardship aspects of the torture are. Nice work. (8/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Mar 9, 2011
Well written essay, I cannot deny that. But where it goes wrong is, well, right at the start with the tractor wheel. While the idea isn't bad, the rim's edge on such a wheel is far too high, making it act like a bath tub when tying someone to it. Which means it is fairly impossible to tie someone to such a rim in a cross without either breaking the girl's arms and/or lifting her off the rim...
Descriptions and stuff are okay, as is the lecherousness of the rather sinister torturer.
JJ (7/10)

Reviewer: coyote3k (Edit) Rating: Mar 8, 2011
Very good. The content usually wouldn't have excited me (and like Snark said, a little young for my tastes) but the way it was written made it great. Constantly increasing the intensity then back down to start building up again. Please continue writing! (9/10)

Reviewer: Snark (Edit) Rating: Mar 7, 2011
Very descriptive, imaginative, decently done. Spell check could help, but proofreading and editing are okay. She's a bit young for me...perhaps if she had an additional 6-8 years it would pique my interest more. But otherwise a good start. Can we expect more? (8/10)
Replied by: Curtis (Edit) (Mar 9, 2011)
If she was six years older she wouldn't be a 'voluptuous teen'. You knew how old the mare was when you bought her, sir. And the story did say 'End'.
Replied by: Snark (Edit) (Mar 14, 2011)
A teenager could be 13...or 19. Which is more to my preference. I did not let that skew my rating. So apparently you're going to be a "one and done"? If my reading and review is an affront to your sensibility I can refrain in the future.
the Snark
Replied by: SirRoundSound (Edit) (Mar 15, 2011)
You seem confused. "Curtis" is not the author. I am. And I appreciate your input.
Replied by: Snark (Edit) (Mar 15, 2011)
Sir: quite right! I didn't check the name. Perhaps Curtis would like to pen a story for all to peruse.

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