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Ms. Grant Author: Lex
(Added on Mar 16, 2011) (This month 49910 readers) (Total 51034 readers)
Lesbian teacher/student fantasy written in first person.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 1
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Weighed Average (?): (6/10)
Average Rating: (7/10)
Highest Rating: (7/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: Snark (Edit) Rating: Mar 19, 2011
Decently written, sentence structure neither overly complex nor pedantic. A few continuity stutters - how does one flip a bra away and then remove the shirt? Formatting makes it hard to follow the story. Remarkable that a college instructor keeps a cabinet full of sex toys in her classroom! Apparently I went to the wrong colleges. Descriptions of the activities are well done, but not much tension developed between the characters and nothing pertaining to bdsm...yet. Perhaps in other chapters to come? (7/10)
Replied by: Lex_ (Edit) (Mar 19, 2011)
Thanks for the feedback. In regards to the continuity errors, I don't have much of an excuse besides the fact that I wrote this very late at night. I apologize for that.
>Remarkable that a college instructor keeps a cabinet full of sex toys in her classroom!
Frankly it was all that I could think of at the time.
>Perhaps in other chapters to come?
Definitely. If you have any suggestions or things that you would like to see in the next part, I will gladly insert them into the story. Anyway, I appreciate that you took the time to give me a review. Just a side-note: this is the first story that I've ever written, and I'm still working on my skills.

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