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Metamorphosis of a slave Author: Mistress Teleya
(Added on Apr 2, 2011) (This month 113983 readers) (Total 122095 readers)
Genesis: This time the woman rule the world.

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Number of Ratings: 3
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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
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Reviewer: Dryhill (Edit) Rating: May 31, 2011
PARTS 1 - 3:
A slow start, but that allowed us to get some decent characterization and knowledge of how this eighteen year old girl came to be a slave. A good opening three chapters, here is hoping we do not have to wait to long to learn what happens next.
PARTS 4 & 5:
The story still continues to be of a high standard, though there are a few spelling errors they do not detract from the story. The chapters do tend to be rather short and the author has learnt how to leave the reader wanting more ..... grrrrrrr! i hope i do not have to wait to long for more chapters.
PARTS 6 & 7:
Another two well written chapters, with no spelling errors that i noticed.
The story is told from the point of view of our heroine (Mikah) who has come from the highest born of her society to a mere slave in about three weeks. One therefore expects Mikah's feelings and emotions to be a major part of the story. Mistress Teleya has handled this latter point very well, and i could easily belived these were the thoughts and humilations of an eighteen year old suddenly trying to cope with her new lot in life. i have upgraded this story to a nine.
PARTS 8 - 10:
i am not totally sure about this dark side of Micah that is beginning to show itself. Having said that there are hints in her pre-slave existance of being stand offish and superior, so it is possible that a more callous side was lurking there in the background.
i am not going to increase or decrease my rating of this story at this time. i will wait and see what happens in future chapters.
PARTS 10 - 13:
Wonderful conclusion to this the first book. The fact that Micah's emotions keep switching from being fearful to being dominant is very realistic. On the one hand she is scared what is going to happen to her and yet is scared of being submissive to anyone (remember she was high born the top of her previous society).
i have up-rated this to a ten and it is well worth it. Thank you Mistress Teleya for atruly great read.
j.l. (10/10)
Replied by: teleya (Edit) (May 3, 2011)
Thank you for your comments. The first 2 books were completed 9 years ago. We recently changed and edited quite a bit of the original draft.
Book 1 has 13 chapters and ends when Mikah is on the verge of meeting Mistress. Book 2 is her actual training - which is very long. Book 2 is around 5 times the length of book 1. (I know... that's just way too long for a book.)
I fear you would hate where the books are heading.
But I will be saving you some grief since I currently don't plan to post more than chapter 1 of book 2. It takes hours to re-edit each chapter, and editing is soooo boring!
I write these books together with my husband/slave. (well, he actually writes it, I just tell him what the Mistress point of view is)

We both agree that having our books judged is uncomfortable and indeed makes us feel somewhat whorish. We have far more fun when we simply write the books together for the pure heck of it.

Be well!
Teleya and A

Reviewer: hb59 (Edit) Rating: Apr 9, 2011
I felt a connection with the main character of the story. Even though I am a guy, I felt her anguish at being in her position. Very well written, and enjoyable to read. (9/10)

Reviewer: Major Littmann (Edit) Rating: Apr 3, 2011
It is/was a little hard to get in to, and the chapers are very short but it has real promise and I am eagerly awaiting the next Chapter (8/10)

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