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The Machine in the Park Author: Spitman
(Added on Apr 3, 2011) (This month 61087 readers) (Total 64736 readers)
An erotic fantasy set in a Dolcett-like world, in which a girl plays a dangerous game with an irresistible but notorious pleasure machine at a spitroasting festival.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 5
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20% 0% 20% 0% 0% 0% 20% 0% 40% 0%
Weighed Average (?): (6/10)
Average Rating: (6/10)
Highest Rating: (9/10)
Lowest Rating: (1/10)

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Reviewer: Doc_Odd (Edit) Rating: Nov 2, 2011
I like the longer stories best, but this is definitely a good spitman story. (9/10)

Reviewer: kicksnf (Edit) Rating: Jun 17, 2011
SICK !!! SICK !!! SICK !!! SICK !!! SICK !!! SICK !!! SICK !!! SICK !!! SICK !!! SICK !!! SICK !!! (1/10)
Replied by: Spitman (Edit) (Jun 26, 2011)
The reviewer is clearly intent on making a political statement against all bdsm library content in the "snuff" category irrespective of the quality of what has been written, and has not read the story. Spammers like this should be banned and I believe this one has been. Unfortunately his spam reviews have not been removed.

Reviewer: DirtyOldPervert (Edit) Rating: May 16, 2011
I enjoyed this story very much, as I have the other stories in Spitman's collection. It was very erotic, and very well written.
Nevertheless, I would have to agree with Nistro that this story needs a "snuff" tag. Since it's not as graphic as many snuff stories it does not need an "extreme" tag, but any story that depicts death and/or cannibalism in an erotic manner should have that tag. Some people are offended by this type of material, and while they have no business telling folks like me what we can read, they do have the right to be warned in advance. (7/10)
Replied by: Spitman (Edit) (May 16, 2011)
OK guys, I get the point.
Some of my stories have lost their tags because BDSM Library lost tags from thousands of stories, and there is no way to restore them, never mind restoring the favourable reviews received when they were first posted! However the ratings I used for this story were an experiment. Lumping my stuff into a general category of "snuff", when it is light years away from the content of most stuff in that category, just did not feel right. There really should be more choice. So I selected tags according to how I felt they fitted the story.
A few of my stories were downrated to a ridiculous level by religious or other extremists who objected to the whole idea of posting anything in the "snuff" category. Guess what, I wanted to avoid that category for at least some of my stories, and this one was a good example of a story that was not a brutal, trash and kill story. Far from it. It was about temptation, volition and impulse. If an author like Roald Dahl can have books with similar themes on the shelves of school libraries and neighbourhood bookshops, and used as set books for high school and other educational examinations, why should mine be any different?
However, if you insist on having only one category for books in which somebody dies, and that is "snuff", henceforth I will adhere to that, even though thousands of crime novels in which somebody dies are not so coded. James Patterson writes books in which some very disturbing, things happen to children, and so they do in r/l, but that kind of thing does not appeal to me, which is why there may be dozens of books on the bookshop shelf by James Patterson, but you won't find any of them at my place. I will choose fantasy over r/l every time, which is why I prefer Dolcett to James Patterson.
The system sucks, but it is the system.
At least, until you all decide to come up with something better.

Reviewer: domduby (Edit) Rating: Apr 4, 2011
Awsome story! very erotic! (9/10)

Reviewer: nistro (Edit) Rating: Apr 4, 2011
these sorts of stories need to have the snuff tag. Most of us get turned off by stories of people being killed. quite frankly i wanted to rate it lower but couldn't justyfy doing just because i detest this sort of story. (3/10)
Replied by: Spitman (Edit) (Apr 5, 2011)
This story is an erotic fantasy, and I don't see it as a snuff story. The snuff category usually describes brutal torture and murder. This is definiely consensual and f-self, and it is nothing like most stories in the snuff category. Maybe if there was a 'fatal fantasy' tag I might have chosen that, but thank you for not rating it even lower!
Replied by: Curtis (Edit) (Apr 6, 2011)
Among other ways to qualify, any story in which sex and death are inextricably intertwined is a snuff story. So is any story in which people get eaten. This is a snuff story.

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