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Ring of Bales Author: Rob Kerner
(Added on Apr 30, 2011) (This month 53210 readers) (Total 56047 readers)
Guests are invited to see the adventures of a young girl in a Ring of Bales in an old barn.

Ratings and Reviews:
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Weighed Average (?): (4.5/10)
Average Rating: (4.5/10)
Highest Rating: (7/10)
Lowest Rating: (1/10)

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Reviewer: H Dean (Edit) Rating: May 18, 2011
I didn't bother to read through the entire story. It's not my sort of thing and the underage girl was a complete put-off. Just the same, what I read was reasonably presented and the writing skills of this author appear to be solid. Frankly, I only offered review here because of the pathetic manner in which others reviewed this story. If it isn't your cup of tea don't read it. However, reviewing a story with a "1" because you dislike the content is asinine, violates the review guidelines and makes you look like a jackass. (7/10)

Reviewer: Luvr (Edit) Rating: May 16, 2011
There were a few issues I had with the story, one being the way the dog was able to position the young girl without breaking skin and there was no mention of dew claws and the damage they do. Another issue was with the fact that a dog so large could, without any initial stretching, knot with a girl that small and young. No way would he be able to push into a child's body and knot up. Also, getting off panties - be it child or adult - is not that easy.
As far as the "young" idea of the story, I am completely fine with this. It IS A STORY. It's the wickedness in a deviant mind and I actually happen to enjoy that wickedness. (7/10)

Reviewer: Michael247 (Edit) Rating: May 16, 2011
This is another time when the rating system here at the BDSM Library fails us.
All right, first of all, let me address the underage character situation. In this story, the victim is vaguely identified as being 13 years of age (or possibly younger based upon her behavior). She is violently sexually assaulted by a dog, with the encouragement of a cadre of adults, who then (it is implied) sexually assault her themselves, before she is mauled to death (again implied), by another dog. In general I don't approve of "young" rated stories. I think people who prey upon young children are criminals, and understandably sick. However, that said, like child porn, I recognize that this story is just that... a story. The fact that the victim in this story is a child changes the basic flavor into something I believe the author intended to communicate. Let's face it, most people who read stories here on the BDSM Library, had this story been about an 18 year old girl, would have been cheering for the dog. The author wanted to twist the emotions of the audience, and recognizing that we are all a bunch of perverts, he did so by making us sympathetic to the victim. Awful? Yes. But in essence I believe I had exactly the reaction I think the author intended: a sick fascination and desire for it NOT TO HAPPEN! Sure, the author could have increased the age to something more... reasonable. Maybe 17 or even 16. But then the story would have been more unbelievable than it is and the reaction of his readers would not have been sympathy for the victim, but a replication of the audience's desire for Bruno the dog to have his way with her.
In essence, this is a STORY. It is dark. It belongs in the skeleton closet, agreed. But no children were hurt in the writing of this story (or at least I HOPE not) and as long as we understand that there is a dramatic and vivid line between fantasy and reality, then I will not personally condemn the author for his dark tale. Many of us have fantasies involving taboo issues. Anne Rice once wrote an entire erotic novel about a fourteen year old girl having a physical love affair with a twenty something year old man. The main character of Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty novels was officially sixteen! I personally have written stories where sixteen year old girls are the main characters. (I have issues going lower and now that my own daughter is sixteen, my age limit will no doubt go up!)
Now, on to more mundane issues, like plot. In this particular story we are treated to practically the best trained dog ever to have walked the earth. Not only is the dog barely given any commands, but he is incredibly obedient, as if he has done this hundreds of times before. In fact, I hate to say this, but I would much rather have read the tale of Bruno's training. I can just imagine some 18 year old girl (see?) tied to the hay bales while the "woman announcer" repeatedly tries to entice Bruno to perform "on command". How many times would the waif have to be "raped" before Bruno "got" it? For that matter, how was Bruno trained to "disrobe" his victims? For a bit during the story, I thought perhaps the girl's clothing had been soaked with some sort of attractant, something that Bruno would recognize and want. But then my eyebrows went even further up when Bruno was able to position a limp "Vicki" (the young girl in the story) onto the hay bales in a visually appealing way, and yet not break skin. I'm not a dog person, but I have trouble imagining that all of this could be "taught" to a canine, and even if it could, would the canine be able to do it this perfectly? I realize that this is a story, and that suspension of belief is sometimes required, but if you are going to keep the setting in our reality, then you need to make sure that the laws of probability aren't violated.
As a sex story, this tale wasn't exactly the kind of thing that I enjoy. As a horror tale, it wasn't bad at all. The real question, as I've hinted at before, is whether the author intended for us to feel the horror more than the sexual aspects. The sex aspects of this story were minimized in favor of what I might term the "horror" vision. The girl's age emphasizes how horrible the activities in the story are, but also encourages the reader to be sympathetic to her plight while indulging (for some) that darker but harmless interest in taboo subjects.
From a grammatical perspective, the author is a decent writer. Sentence construction was good, with a steady mix of simple and complex sentences, adding depth and complexity to the writing narrative. I didn't notice any glaring mistakes and I felt the author did a good job describing not only the scene, but the costuming, the action, and the emotions of those present. I even felt the anonymity of the audience, lost in the darkness, with nothing but cold hungry eyes and psychopathic feelings for their fellow human beings.
All in all, I think we have a particularly talented author, who merely wrote a tale that most of his intended readership finds offensive. I would love to see what Mr. Rob Kerner can do with situation and topics more mainstream, and yet colored with his vivid imagination.
Yours Faithfully, Michael Alexander
( (7/10)

Reviewer: pollyannapax (Edit) Rating: May 13, 2011
Disgusting and vile. Character should be at least age of consent, not a child. (1/10)

Reviewer: PieterM (Edit) Rating: May 11, 2011
You want to read "Hanging Pedo's by their Bollocks from a Lamp Post" By A.Broadsword.
I reckon he had Modified Prisoner UK in mind when he wrote it, it's about hanging Pedos from Lamp posts by their bollocks, sort of a feel good piece exceptin if your a Pedo when its a feel bad piece unless you wanna be castrated that is.

Reviewer: Modified Prisoner uk (Edit) Rating: May 10, 2011
This is a vile story, obviously written by a paedophile who thinks encouraging people to think about abusing people less 13 or less is ok. I didn’t read it all (and since paedophilia is an illness brought on by association) I would recommend others didn’t either. Why can’t the character be in her 20’s? Isn’t it because if we were a democracy the authors would be castrated & shot. (1/10)
Replied by: PieterM (Edit) (May 11, 2011)
You want to read "Hanging Pedo's by their Bollocks from a Lamp Post" By A.Broadsword.
I reckon he had Modified Prisoner UK in mind when he wrote it, it's about hanging Pedos from Lamp posts by their bollocks, sort of a feel good piece exceptin if your a Pedo when its a feel bad piece unless you wanna be castrated that is.
Replied by: H Dean (Edit) (May 29, 2011)
This is a vile review and takes into account only the subject matter and not the author's skill in story telling. Like the story or hate it, reviewing a story based entirely on the subject matter is ludicrous and violates the review guidelines. Furthermore, while I detest the subject matter, finding it utterly tasteless and without merit, I fully support this author and his/her right to express his/her notions without censor. Finally, you should be ashamed to have offered up such a poor review.

Reviewer: SamCurious (Edit) Rating: May 5, 2011
what a savage tale! (7/10)

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