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Michelle and Akeema's Dark Journey Author: Shabbadew2002
(Added on Jun 11, 2011) (This month 123640 readers) (Total 144982 readers)
An African-American woman and her daughter are blackmailed by a cop and turned into sex slaves.

Ratings and Reviews:
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Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
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Reviewer: Free Master (Edit) Rating: Aug 10, 2011
This is the best submission/humiliation/degradation story I have read since "Owned Teacher". I, too, in the vanilla world am a champion of equal rights for all people, yet find this is story a very deep seeded and well written tale of erotica. While I find the "n-bomb" very offensive and highly derogatory, it is obvious to me that the words were carefully inserted to bring exceptional power of the story as opposed to racial utterances that society throws around. Big kudos to Shabbadew. (10/10)
Replied by: shabbadew2002 (Edit) (Aug 10, 2011)
Thank you. Hated to use the "N word" but it was right for this story.

Reviewer: roguerpj (Edit) Rating: Jun 21, 2011
Well done and sexy. Thanks (9/10)

Reviewer: OLDSTRONG (Edit) Rating: Jun 19, 2011
I have read many D/s stories covering both gender and age, but I have noticed that one particular subject has not really been touch compared to the others, and that's the American Black woman.She has a reputation of being strong and independent,she prefect target.this story was excellent can't wait to read chapter 2. The thought of Black mother and daughter being enslaved takes this story's potential off the charts.Here's some food for thought. I'd like to see a family of supposedly Black females dominated and enslaved by a family of tough white female. This could start with the daughters at school of with the mother at work. like I said this subject matter has been basically untouched.PS I thought Fessanessa reveiw on the mark and very insightful. (10/10)
Replied by: shabbadew2002 (Edit) (Jun 19, 2011)
Thank you for the thoughtful review. Parts 2 & 3 are coming...

Reviewer: rapelover (Edit) Rating: Jun 15, 2011
Excellent story about an African American mother getting raped and humiliated. Hopefully soon to be continued... (10/10)
Replied by: shabbadew2002 (Edit) (Jun 19, 2011)
Part 2 soon to be posted...

Reviewer: Fessanessa (Edit) Rating: Jun 13, 2011
As an African American mother and professor of race, ethnicity and gender studies, I shamefully confess that I found this story disturbingly and powerfully arousing, touching on my darkest fantasies. I wonder how other African American women feel about this story, and whether there are many (or even any) like me? In spite of, yet also precisely because of, all the historical and cultural baggage in this country, the combination of racial and sexual humiliation and degradation ravage me and provoke a "savage" arousal in me. Anyone one else? (10/10)
Replied by: shabbadew2002 (Edit) (Jun 19, 2011)
This story will surely have its fans and others who hate it. Thank you for your continued support...
Replied by: Free Master (Edit) (Aug 12, 2011)
See my reply above, Fessanessa. While I am not African American, nor woman, nor recognized professor as yourself, I find myself in a vocation (not just a job) that professes that ALL people have rights in this world. Your review has helped me with the words I chose to write above. Yes, this tale is both shocking and highly arousing. It is good that two professionals such as ourselves can remove ourselves from the fight for freedom for a while to explore deep seeded fantasies and accept it for what it is...a fantasy. Big props to you.

Reviewer: zardock1 (Edit) Rating: Jun 12, 2011
beautiful;well written (9/10)
Replied by: shabbadew2002 (Edit) (Jun 12, 2011)
Thank you for your generous review.

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