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Sarah Naked In School - Book Three Author: Thomas Chaser
(Added on Jul 4, 2011) (This month 68306 readers) (Total 81658 readers)
This is the third installment (and according to my editors the best of the series) of the adventures of Sarah Siobhan Leighton. You don't need to read the earlier pieces to enjoy this one, but it helps to understand the relationships of the characters. I would start with "Sarah Naked In School - Extended Version" and go from there, or if you really want to go way back, try "Sarah and the Punishment Station", which set up the characters and the setting). In this one, Sarah announces the candidates for her academy, Vella explores her dark side, Isparana and Dania find boyfriends to play with, and Chastity's life takes a dramatic turn. More sex scenes than the previous Books as the girls explore their sexuality. There's also a rack, a Spanish Horse, an embalming table, and a near-rape to keep things interesting.

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