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Nerd Orgy Author: nassim
(Added on Aug 14, 2011) (This month 53559 readers) (Total 61362 readers)
A nerdy little sex kitten gets off, gets revenge, and gets away with a little heist when she is the entertainment at a Dungeons & Dragons game.

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Weighed Average (?): (6/10)
Average Rating: (7/10)
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Reviewer: Michael247 (Edit) Rating: Aug 17, 2011
Someone remind me never to piss off Paige.
This was a rather interesting story from a couple of aspects. First of all, it's written in third person from the perspective of Paige, a young skank of a bi-sexual girl willing to endure quite a bit of humiliation and pain in order to get what she wants. Frankly, I admire her. Interesting character.
But more important than the character of Paige, was the overall flavor of the story. Paige is portrayed as a punk girl, a skank and a slut who does drugs, dick, and pussy in equal amounts. What makes this story particular interesting is the fact that the author really sinks into Paige's world view, using descriptions that a punk girl probably would as well, despite not speaking with her voice. It changes the flavor of the story. Now some people might not like that flavor - in fact I'll admit that sometimes I wanted to bitchslap Paige and have my fun with her too... except without the vicious return sodomization and blackmail she inflicts upon the two assholes she's fucking and stealing from. In any event, the writing was creative. I appreciate that.
Grammatically, the story is decently written. The language use wasn't terribly complicated, but it was sufficient to convey Paige's action and thought well. There were a couple of wrong words used, for example at one point Paige's panties were still "looped around one of her angles". Oops. It's not a big deal, but it does make a difference.
To be honest, (and as a player of D&D) I liked the idea of Paige being the "entertainment" at the D&D game as stated in the synopsis. In actuality, there was no D&D game... which is too bad. I would have loved to see some player trying to cast a complicated magic spell or kill two hundred goblins while she was chewing on his cock. That would have been interesting.
I thought the timing rather quick and we weren't really given a lot of time to savor some of the interesting tricks Paige turned. I would have liked to see some more of that.
All in all, a successful tale. Thank you.
Michael Alexander ( (7/10)
Replied by: nassim (Edit) (Aug 21, 2011)
Thank you very much for the kind words. From your review it looks like I've accomplished what I set out to do. I've lusted after and on occasion successfully bedded girls like Paige, and since there aren't any stories about punk femme fatales I guess I had to roll up my sleeves and do it myself:) Not integrating a D & D scene into the story was definitely an oversight. I like to keep the action moving at a good clip. Typos can be hard to eliminate, though I have resubmitted stories and chapters when they are egregious, and I will probably do so at some point with this effort, so thank you for bringing that to my attention.
My real hope is that my efforts, will inspire more talented people than myself to mine similar veins when writing. I can't be the only person writing stories for this site that likes tattoos and piercings that aren't acquired through a dom/sub master/slave relationship. Sometimes a pierced septum is hot in and of itself, people!
Thanks again for the encouragement & writing tips.

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