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Tough love Author: graymangazer
(Added on Nov 10, 2011) (This month 69738 readers) (Total 100953 readers)
Lucy and her boss enslave her husband without him realizing.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 2
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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (10/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (10/10)

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Reviewer: Martiniman (Edit) Rating: Apr 13, 2012
Update 4/13/12...since i first reviewed this story i cant get it out of my head. Personally, it was a very powerful story that had my emotions boiling. Any story that can do that deserves a 10, therefore im putting my feelings about unwillingly being cuckolded aside & I am changing my initial rating!...............There are two things that strike me about this story. First, it's extremely good. I enjoy a long & detailed story that is full erotic excitement & this story hit all my buttons. Secondly, it might be the hardest story I've rated yet because I see three areas that need to be addressed & I'm also trying to seperate the quality of the story from how I emotionally feel. Let's start with quality. This story brought out many emotions from erotic feelings, anger and even some understanding, as well as several others. The quality of this story deserves a 10 because of its length, details, the torments & ideas Lucy came up with, the expression of emotion on all parts & just the depth of passion this story had. I also enjoyed it being told in 3 ways from Lucy's view, John's view & third person. Now let's talk content. The content couldn't be any better as the author filled this story with highly erotic ideas & events that Lucy unleashed on John. On some level I felt bad for John, yet again he never stood up for himself or had a clue what Lucy was actually doing so it was really his fault. On some level, I was turned on by Lucy & her devious sexual mind, yet I also came to think of her as an evil bitch. The story brought out great emotion, & to me, that's the mark of a great story. Therefore, for content, this story gets a 10. Now the hard part, how I emotionally liked this story. Although I enjoyed the story, it didn't do it for me in the end. I could understand how John felt useless & fell into submission, yet I couldn't buy into how far he fell & what he allowed. I could understand how Lucy initially fell in love with the idea of power over John & even how it grew to great heights. However, if you love your husband like Lucy stated over & over, you don't cheat on him with 5 men & flaunt it in his face, nor do you treat him to the extent she did. I just couldn't but the idea of her love for John. The initial scene with Stephen & Lucy where she decided to enslave John while becoming Stephen's bitch wasn't plausible either. If so, she's just a hateful whore who doesn't deserve John's love & that idea ruined the story. Then we get the ending where John is ok with Lynn & Amy, yet I couldn't buy that since they willingly helped in his suffering. Then it gets worse as John simply accepts his wife's cheating & the fact that she cuckolded him to humiliate him for her pleasure because he still loves her so much. Personally, a better ending would have involved divorce & Lucy being sent to prison & ruined along with Barry. Or, Lynn & Amy ruined to & Lucy being John's slave just like he was to her as John takes on a new female lover who replaces Lucy in his heart while Lucy has to watch & suffer knowing it is all her fault for losing the man she supposedly loved so much. What would have done it for me personally? A story without cuckolding, where Lucy's boss was a female instead of Stephen & John's slavery was more erotic & sexually fun where their marriage was still solid, yet changed to a D/s relationship. Personally I don't like cuckolding stories where the wife is cold, cruel & humiliating. In the end, Lucy's blatant affairs, her trip to Bermuda, Lucy forcing John into homosexual acts, and the way she treated John so horribly, while still professing her great love for him ruined this story for me. I was liking Lucy up to a point, yet hated her in the end. So emotionally I would rank this story extremely low. Maybe confusing, but I try to be honest, yet fair to an author who spent great effort on a story. In the end I will say this story is a must read! I will also let my emotional disgust for this story & Lucy be reflected in the review for those who read it & not in my ranking. Although to make myself feel better, I will take away 1 point for the cuckolding & abhorrent behavior of Lucy & John being so weak when I had hoped he would be strong in the end. To the author I say BRAVO! I will read more of your stories in the future. Nothing better than a story that gets the emotions involved, even if you don't like the outcome & when you're done reading you feel like it was time well spent. Thanks for your great effort!!! (10/10)

Reviewer: urdbm (Edit) Rating: Nov 23, 2011
very good story. Good inspiration, long enough. Great (10/10)
Replied by: graymangazer (Edit) (Apr 12, 2012)
Hi, sorry I didnt get back to you before.
I just want to thank you for reviewing my story and the possitive comments. these things mean a lot to me.
I have since rewritten the story, hoping I,ve clarified a few things and made the whole thing more readable.
Again sorry and thanks. graymangazer.

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