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Slavery in our Time Author: John Wilkinson
(Added on Dec 11, 2011) (This month 56906 readers) (Total 78300 readers)
Laura is a normal young woman,though a very attractive one. But she has a secret fascination with slaves, especially those she sees waiting for sale. Does she want to own one, or is her fascination with actually becoming one? Either way, it is her fascination which leads her to step over the edge withuot realisign it. By teh tiem she does, it is too late and she is on her way into legalised slavery. Her slavery turns out to be much deper, and to entail a much greater loss that she had imagined in any of her fantasies.

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Reviewer: fixingbeast (Edit) Rating: Dec 26, 2011
Plagerism sucks. To bad it coulc have been a great story (1/10)

Reviewer: DirtyOldPervert (Edit) Rating: Dec 23, 2011
Belated as this may be, I'm going to have to jump on the bandwagon and say that while this is a really good story, it's plagiarized. It doesn't matter how long it takes an author to post updates to her story. It doesn't matter whether or not an author chooses to respond to your e-mails. You do not copy another author's work without her permission. Write your own story. (1/10)

Reviewer: connerdan (Edit) Rating: Dec 18, 2011
I agree with all the other comments here. Take the story down. (1/10)

Reviewer: smithtom9876 (Edit) Rating: Dec 18, 2011
This story should be taken down. Clearly the "author" did not write it and the original author appears to have not given permission to use it. (1/10)

Reviewer: Major Littmann (Edit) Rating: Dec 17, 2011
It does seem to be modern slavery word for word, but Modern Slavery itself was just the prelude, 3 chapters and still nothing particularly nasty or sexy had happened, perhaos John Wilkinson can add something exciting as chapters 4 to 15.
As it was I found it very well thought through and a very good read as the tension built as we knew she would step over the edge. Overall it's thank Mr Wilkinson for bringing it to a wider audience, and don't steal any of my stories, OK.
Replied by: johnlw77 (Edit) (Dec 15, 2011)
Thank you very much Major. There is a history here. Yes, this story is based on Karen1982's 'Modern Slavery' to which I gave a 'rave review'. Someone responded to the review saying how well Karen’s story expressed her fantasies. Together we shared how we’d like the story to develop and I started to put that in writing. I've asked Karen several times what she'd think to my doing my own take on her work but sadly no response – and it's also a long time since she submitted a new chapter. Meanwhile my writing developed and this is the result. It’s not just ‘a copy’ and will take a darker direction.
If Karen does still look at the site I hope she’ll be able to see my version as a heartfelt tribute. Meanwhile Chapter 2 is almost ready and a note like this will be included with it, as it clearly should have been at the beginning.
Replied by: JimmyJump (Edit) (Dec 20, 2011)
An author's work is holy. Be it Stephen King, Dan Brown or Karen1982, you don't copy someone's work and present it as your own. Never.
There's laws against that, too.
It's like someone put a car you like in a parking lot and after a while you decide to steal the car and do some work on the body and interior, because -hey!- the vehicle was just sitting in the lot anyway...
I'm not going to carry you out into the desert on a steel rail, covered in tar and feathers, but I'm not going to throw a party for you either, because common sense should have prevailed.
Plagiarism is a federal offence. Here on the Library or anywhere else in the world. Point...

Reviewer: mokuba31 (Edit) Rating: Dec 17, 2011
John, I realize a few people are giving you some crap right now. Don't take it personal. You admitted to your mistake of not posting that this was a rewrite. Even if you are not allowed to post on this site, maybe you can post on another. I myself have considered turning the first chapter into a choose your own adventure story. Perhaps we can work on it together. I would love to see what happens next. (8/10)
Replied by: mokuba31 (Edit) (Feb 14, 2012)
I hope you are not done with this story. I realize the first chapter was mostly copied. But you added some interesting twists. Take those twists and make a completely original chapter 2.

Reviewer: karen1982 (Edit) Rating: Dec 17, 2011
This is my story and I am a bit upset that the site even published it without my permission. I am fine with people writing stories within the universe that I created but that does not give someone the permission to copy my story.
I have actually been working on Chapter 5 for a while. If you want to write stories in this universe that is fine, but please do not copy my work directly. (1/10)
Replied by: karen1982 (Edit) (Dec 17, 2011)
I have asked the webmaster to take this story down. If the copier wishes to write a story within this universe, I am happy to talk to them and share ideas. I realize I do not write updates often, but I find this extremely offensive.
Replied by: mokuba31 (Edit) (Dec 17, 2011)
Karen, its so good to hear from you. I literally signed up for an account just so I could post to your reply. I love your story, and I check every day to see if there has been an update. It has been nearly two years without any update to April and what happened after she was stuffed in that trunk. I'll be honest I myself thought of taking your first chapter and turning it into a "choose your own adventure" story on another site. I hope you let this story "new darker" story continue. I think it might give the readers a flip side from your story and at the very least, it has rekindled interest in your story. All that aside, please post soon. If you need any help, thoughts, I am a writer myself and would LOVE to help. That goes to you to John.
Replied by: karen1982 (Edit) (Dec 18, 2011)
Hi Mokuba the point of this story was to explore the power play between societies and social classes. I am not interested in over the top BDSM. Sure there would be humiliation, sexual use, etc, but the story was not designed to be one woman dressing up in leather abusing another. I also hoped to create a universe where others could write stories around this theme. However, I did not think someone would blatantly copy my story and plot and claim it as their own.
Replied by: johnlw77 (Edit) (Dec 21, 2011)
This is to say to you Karen and to all other reviewers of what I put on the site that it is clear to me that I should not have proceeded without your permission (which I did seek and did not receive a response, as already mentioned here, but still...). Three things follow from this:
1. I am writing to the webmaster to ask him to take the story off the site.
2. I will be writing a letter of explanation and apology to you and it is my hope that you will be able to accept my apology.
3. I remain a huge fan of what you have written. Like mokuba31, “I love your story, and I check (almost) every day to see if there has been an update”. It grieves me to have given offence to the author of the story on this site that I have loved the most and for that I most sincerely apologise.

Reviewer: Dryhill (Edit) Rating: Dec 16, 2011
I have rated this story a one, not because of the typos or poor grammar but because it is a direct copy AND the author admits that! (1/10)

Reviewer: mutawakkel (Edit) Rating: Dec 14, 2011
Now this promises to be one delicious story! And no wonder: It's just the perfect story line, the process when a funny idea becomes serious, when a curious girl from a family of means takes a peek into another world and has to realize that there is no way back and all her attempts to turn around her destiny guide her to a deeper level of slavery with harsher treatment and more and heavier shackles and chains... I only was disappointed when the story broke off apruptly. But I'm optimistic that there will be more chapters, and let me guess: Stephanie, for reasons whatsoever - fear to lose her job? lust for her provision? a sudden eruption of sadism?... - will register Laura as a voluntary slave, and Laura, in more and more desperate efforts to regain her freedom will blame Stephanie to have her tricked into the red shirt, so Stephanie can avoid her own enslavement only by making the court believe that Laura is a liar... I'm not fully sure if Stephanie will succeed in avoiding her own enslavement (neither if I really would wish it...) but what I'm ready to bet is that Laura won't wear her Mary-Jane shoes anymore (and no shoes at all, I hope!) and what I see clearly ahead of her is branding irons and permanent leg irons of a LIFE SLAVE. And there is no way around! I love it!!!

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Dec 13, 2011
Airhead meets blabbermouth at slave convenience store. That's what the first few paragraphs read like.
Too many inconvenient instances where "information" is delivered to the reader in awkward ways while at the same time the author forgets about lending some character traits to his antagonists because of being too busy getting his info across.
A pity, because the set-up of "Slavery In Our Time" sounded promising (in sharp contrast with the synopsys we are presented with, which is full of so-called typos).
In short, a great idea which is drowning in too many details and legal mumbo-jumbo about how everything came to be.
Okay, so this is just the start, but nevertheless, on such short notice, we're already presented with a captive underway to slavery -or vice-versa, which also means the story is a tad rushed.
JJ (6/10)
Replied by: johnlw77 (Edit) (Dec 13, 2011)
Thanks JJ. I certainly need to apologise for the typos. I try to be vigilant on spelling and grammar. I some how submitted the uncorrected version. As for your other comments, I'm happy with it the way it is, but I respect your views and will bear them in mind.
Replied by: yahwob (Edit) (Dec 14, 2011)
Guys guys guys! Havn't any of you realised this is almost a direct re-write of a story called Modern Slavery that was posted here a year ago!
He's almost copied it word for word and I bet I can tell you how the next two chapters will pan out.
This is nothing but a blatant copy!
Replied by: JimmyJump (Edit) (Dec 14, 2011)
Forget "almost", since this is an exact copy of Karen1982's story, on which Mr. Wilkinson even gave a rave review... so, why the repost without mentioning the original author? Forgot you got it from here, then?

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