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Heart Strings Author: Lisa Jones
(Added on Dec 11, 2011) (This month 66531 readers) (Total 79340 readers)
What is this strange power Sandra has over Julie?

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 6
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Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
Average Rating: (9.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: rocketXpert (Edit) Rating: Apr 11, 2012
Good story that feels more and more like a Stephen King plot as it goes along. This was disturbing to me on a few different levels. Most troubling to me was the question of whether Julie's feelings for Sandra are genuine or if she's just never fully free of the spell she's under. There never seems to be any clear resolution to this issue. I tend to believe that women are more fluid in their sexuality than men, but I realize this is probably not the case with all women; that many are unambiguously heterosexual, as Julie appears to be. Psychic link or no, I find the idea of a straight person falling that much in love with someone of their own gender a little tough to swallow. As for Sandra, the fact that she obviously feels a significant amount of guilt for her part in manipulating Julie and then suffers for that mistake allows me to sympathize with her somewhat. Even so, she gets pretty much exactly what she wanted in the end, which seems like kind of a lousy moral to walk away with: "Tamper with someone's free will and things will work out fine." It's nice both characters end up relatively happy; I just can't help feeling a little ambivalent about their "romance." (9/10)
Replied by: Lisa Jones (Edit) (Apr 11, 2012)
I think I'm going to have to start sending you my stories for critique before posting because, once again, if I had your input before setting the story in stone, so to speak, it would have been that much better.
Thanks, as ever, for your thoughtful review.

Reviewer: 2ndme (Edit) Rating: Jan 20, 2012
innovative, mysterious, forces one to read the whole story at once. Well done again Lisa!
Ben (7/10)

Reviewer: onewhoadores (Edit) Rating: Jan 7, 2012
A delightful supernatural departure from Lisa Jones' usual reality grounded erotic literature domain. She proves once again that she can successfully titillate, entice, and bring full enjoyment in virtually any realm of the erotic literature genre. Well done as always, Lisa (10/10)

Reviewer: Loraspa6 (Edit) Rating: Dec 20, 2011
Great story! Can't wait for more of this story! (10/10)

Reviewer: Martiniman (Edit) Rating: Dec 13, 2011
Another fabulous story by Lisa Jones! (10/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Dec 11, 2011
Exemplary story, in style, prose and in distilling the characters from mere musings and train of thought.
Riveting also, because once you started the read, you *have* to continue -ensnared just like Julie.
I only hope Miss Jones doesn't have blue plastic marionettes dangling from her PC/Mac screen...
Maybe not too "BDSM", no, but since BDSM often is about power -one party taking what the other grants- "Heart Strings" fits right in.
JJ (10/10)

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