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Trisha And The Academy Author: Mancipium
(Added on Feb 16, 2012) (This month 57842 readers) (Total 72534 readers)
Trisha is a spoiled little rich girl that has always had daddy wrapped around her little finger. But after her wild, rebellious lifestyle catches up with her, daddy sends her to Saint John's Catholic Academy For Wayward Girls where Mr. Fortune is principal. After a semester of Trisha's goofing off and bad grades, Mr. Fortune has no choice but to call Trisha into his office, while threatening to call her daddy, expel her from the Academy, and send her to Reform School. That is, unless Mr. Fortune and Trisha can reach an agreement whereby Trisha agrees to do whatever Mr. Fortune commands her to do for the remainder of the school year.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 2
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Weighed Average (?): (7.5/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: DomBob (Edit) Rating: Feb 21, 2012
Thank you for the honor of reading and reviewing your story. I am not experienced at reviews so please take my comments with a grain of salt.
The story started by over-explaining why Trisha was sent to the Academy. Trisha was not believable as a brat. She should have been teasing with in-sincere charm, then arrogant, then angry. The threat of calling her Father should not have been enough to get her to agree to become a slave. (And reform school is for convicted criminals.)
The Headmaster was a shallow, cut-out of a villan with rough dialog - not someone I wanted to be.
I would love to see the story start with Trish over a chair with a leather tawse being applied to her behind. Her history could be a flash-back ending with her being a Brat to the headmaster but then agreeing to be on "Probation" to avoid having her Car taken away.
I would love the Headmaster to be more refined. Calm and strong with experience taking wild fillies into hand by applying equal parts pain and pleasure. He should whip her, then bring her to the brink of orgasm - then stop. Perhaps sending her to the school Nurse with a note instructing her to lock Trish into a chastity belt which will be removed when she returns that evening to begin her "Detention".
I look forward to later chapters, hopefully involving some women instructors who dominate Trisha and make her attend sexual orgies, but not be penetrated/given relief until she willingly submits both in class and in "Detention". Less torture, but more sexual submission might be the way to go.
The author has a great grasp of detail and I hope it can be used to mold Trisha in later episodes. (7/10)

Reviewer: hb123 (Edit) Rating: Feb 18, 2012
Amazing (10/10)

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