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Bravehunt Goes to Spacy's Author: Comneno
(Added on May 6, 2012) (This month 51676 readers) (Total 59824 readers)
Bravehunt stalks a big, beautiful fairy girl. Will he catch her?

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 2
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Weighed Average (?): (6/10)
Average Rating: (6.5/10)
Highest Rating: (8/10)
Lowest Rating: (5/10)

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Reviewer: EngineX (Edit) Rating: May 11, 2012
I greatly enjoyed this whimsical little tale. It's off beat and needs a generous helping of imagination from the reader but that's not a criticism. On the contrary it's great to see some originality and intriguing world building. The author also has an amusing lightness of touch with the language and the theme.
Shame about the illustrations. Would be interested to see those if they were posted elsewhere... (8/10)

Reviewer: Michael247 (Edit) Rating: May 11, 2012
Frustrated, but not just with the story. This is the second time I've had to write this review.
Okay, I guess since the BDSM Library did some funky things with my first one, I'll make this shorter. To put "Bravehunt Goes to Spacey's" in a nut shell, we have a simplistic and sometimes dawdling plot in a radically confusing world, without being given a damn thing.
I was disappointed by this story, mostly because my first reaction to being dropped into author Comneno's world was to say "what the fuck?" Comneno creates this amazing environment, clearly in an alternative New York, where the fairy world has dramatically collided with reality. We are treated to the perspective of one faycat named Bravehunt, who we are never able to actually envision because the author, unaware that graphics emailed to the BDSM Library are NEVER posted with the story, relied on the pictures he included to give us the necessary visual clues. Unfortunately, we got blank frames with "broken image" symbols. So I was left with "WTF" as my primary fall back position.
All of which made for uncomfortable reading. In the story, Bravehunt is on the prowl for... well... I'm not sure. I'd say fairy pussy, but evidently particular pussy is needed. His bite is venomous and he seems to use the venom to drug his prey, bring them to the ground, remove their panties, bite and lick their sex, and then actually fuck them, which turns these poor doomed busty and plump fairies into some sort of glowing mist which he then eats. By digesting the mist, he gets extra powers.
If you are saying "WTF?" after that explanation, join the crowd.
To be honest, it's rather too bad. Clearly this world has a plethora of opportunity and I think the author has an imagination that makes me pitiful little brain look insignificant. A whole series on the sexual practices of the fae (sorry, I know "fay" is legit, but I'm used to seeing it with an e!) might be a lot of fun. All the author needs to do is make sure not to rely on graphics, and take a bit more time with pacing.
Formatting is also a little bit of a problem. This isn't a big issue and one that can be fixed with a little bit of knowledge. Remember that when writing for the internet, you will need to not only hit the tab key to start a paragraph, you will also need to his the enter key at the END of the paragraph. Frequently the tab code is not read when translated over to html. Thus it makes reading a work difficult.
In summary, I think Comneno has the chops to be a decent writer. All of the necessary "parts" are there, but less reliance on graphics, and more reliance on description will go a long way to making things more understandable and more readable. The imagination this author expresses is amazing and well worth a return. I encourage the author to email me when his next story in this vein comes out. I'd love to see where things go next.
Yours Faithfully, Michael Alexander
( (5/10)

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