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Senior Year Author: Christine
(Added on Jul 8, 2012) (This month 68890 readers) (Total 81722 readers)
This story is the immediate sequel to "My Sexual Evolution," and picks up right where M.S.E. ends. It's Senior Year, and Christine and her slutty nymphomaniac cheerleader girlfriends get wild. First, they shoot and sell bikini school calendars of themselves and make a bundle of money. Give them a little credit and respect. They do inaugurate and run 4 week-long drives at school for charitable organizations. However, flush with cash, the girls throw 4 extravagant, outrageous and bawdy bondage sex parties that include kidnappings from school, plenty of bondage sex and some good 'ole M/F and F/F pussy eating. This story is told in 3 parts. Part 3 concludes with an Epilogue that will update you on what some of your favorite characters are doing today.

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