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Drug Wars 1 -- The Courier Author: Laura Ehmann & Stacy von Stroheim
(Added on Aug 4, 2012) (This month 89520 readers) (Total 109291 readers)
Tara, a ravishing, blonde drug courier working for a Miami mob boss is captured by a rival syndicate and finds herself being interrogated by Alexandra Huang and her deviant henchmen. As the infamous Dragon Lady uses an ever escalating series of tortures to loosen her victim's tongue, Tara valiantly struggles to resist. But once the courier's lesbian lover becomes a bargaining chip, how much longer can the poor girl hold out? Warning: this relentless tale pulls no punches and could well be the most brutal story you have ever read. Proceed with caution.

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Reviewer: susankarl (Edit) Rating: Aug 15, 2012
I like torture stories, especially if the female victim is savaged by an evil female sadist, so it would be a foregone conclusion that I would enjoy this story. As Kemosabe said, rip off a girls feet and tear out her reproductive area, and she would hardly be likely to chat with her tormentress, but, hey, this is nasty sadistic fiction for fans of such horrible tales, so who cares about reality ?
If anyone actually thinks they would like to see this sort of thing really happen, they truly are sick in the head.
This is way over the top outrageous cruelty to titillate those, like me, for whom such deviant tales are arousing.
Well done. Are we going to have a Drug Wars 2 ?
I hope so. Susan. (9/10)

Reviewer: kemosabe (Edit) Rating: Aug 10, 2012
This initial submission by these two authors left me with mixed emotions. The story itself is extremely well written with vivid descriptions of the tortures administered to the protaganist. You are asked to suspend belief as to how any human could withstand the mutilation that the courier endures and still is able to remain conscious. The mere blood letting would require several transfusions during the course of the interrogation. Despite this, you are held in rapt attention as Tara watches herself destroyed. If this is the first of a series, it wil be fascinating. (9/10)

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