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Daphne Author: pollito
(Added on Aug 12, 2012) (This month 70270 readers) (Total 82509 readers)
Daphne is a college co-ed who is enticed to try bondage as a sort of professional sub for Leo. Leo has a business selling sex toys and accessories. He employs 'models' that he uses to demonstrate his wares, and upon whom his clients are encouraged to 'evaluate' the effectiveness of his products. Initially she only accepts the job because Leo offers a substantial pay ($1000) for not much time (one weekend) 'working,' but soon discovers that she enjoys the 'evaluations' and the people she works with. Her story takes a turn for the worse when another student blames Daphne for her relationship trouble.

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Weighed Average (?): (6.5/10)
Average Rating: (8/10)
Highest Rating: (8/10)
Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: Curtis (Edit) Rating: Aug 15, 2012
Wow. I wavered on the rating here for a long time. The first chapter is great, the second well-written, but disgusting, with great author's notes at the end. Chapter three is primarily weird, and the story as a whole would probably be stronger without it.
If you're not into piss, scat and snuff, stick to Chapter One and enjoy. (8/10)
Replied by: Pollito (Edit) (Aug 18, 2012)
Thanks, and upon reflection, I suppose that Pt2 was a tad over the top...
re: Pt3: I had no ending for Pt1, Pt2 couldn't have ended any other way, and I really liked Daphne. And I enjoyed writing about a Phoenix. Not to mention dealing with Angie.
Glad you liked the notes. I wavered on including them.
This was the first substantial writing (>2~3 pages) that I've shared with *anyone* since College (>20 years ago), so I'm tickled to get an 8/10 rating!
There is a PDF available that includes tabs to each part (and each section within) of this tale. The latest version of which includes numerous edits of stupid errors that I missed prior to submission (oops).
I welcome email with comments, etc.
And, Thanks, again

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