Story Codes:
MF/mf teen BDSM bondage torture nc Serious
Nadine Duchamps is sent by her mother to "Madame Dargaud's Academy For Young Ladies And Gentlemen", where she has to suffer a plethora of punishments for her former unacceptable lifestyle. Meanwhile the valet of the Duchamps-estate has an agenda of its own, and so the mother awaits a fate, similar to the misfortunes of her daughter...
From author: "Nadine" is a BDSM-opera in progress, which was originally written and published in German language. If you want to read the original German text, please contact me! Many thanks to my co-translator "Anonymous" and my editor "Mirabeau". Without their helpful efforts this translation would be "cold-blooded murder of the English tongue". Comments and suggestions are welcome...
Size: 46 kb |
Added on: Nov 14, 2002 |
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