Painful Substitution - a BDSM movie
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Story Codes:
M+/f F/f spanking toys BDSM bondage job real mc humiliation nc Heavy Serious
Premise ; 2 women, an up-and-cumming porn-star and her female agent, meet with a producer of bdsm videos. A contract is signed and a retainer is paid to the agent. On the day of the shoot, the porn-star is a no-show. The agent is forced into doing the bdsm scenes. The porn-star eventually shows up and watches the agent being tortured in the last scheduled and she does an extra scene as a dominant.
Size: 80 kb |
Added on: Mar 22, 2008 |
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Whole Story
(WARNING: the story may be very long and may take long time to download)
Part 1 |
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(added on Mar 22, 2008) |