Story Codes:
M/f M/f+ M+/f bestiality Young snuff spanking teen voyeurism BDSM historical ScFi torture nc Heavy violent
A guy is presented with a time machine and a mission. In a near-future the human race is dying out due to loose sexual morals and sexual practices carrying their influence from the present time , into the future. He is asked to select various females who have had a strong immoral sexual influence in today's society and remove them to a time-zone in the past where they could be punished appropriately. This includes local prostitutes, promiscuous teenagers, TV presenters and film stars. All removed so their influence would not be a bad example to decent girls who would not normally being immoral. Scenarios include sluts who confess in newspapers they had sex with celebrities . TV weather girls, lap dancing girls and celebrities who have lived a life of debauchery or adultery. Each has a year in the past , a location and a punishment awarded to them, which are then shown on TV in the future as a strong deterrent.
Size: 109 kb |
Added on: May 22, 2003 |
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