Story Codes:
F/m modification real consensual Serious
Owning a human being as a pet has one enormous advantage over the conventional dog or cat; it will live as long, or longer, than its owner.That there are some people who would willingly forgo a human existence for that of an animal is well known amongst Psychologists; equally well known is that such people are, overwhelmingly and the femininists notwithstanding, girls and young women, submissive and obedient by nature. But the desire to spend a life time as someone\'s pet animal is by no means confined to the female sex, as witness the following tale.
Rory is a male pet, owned by his personal God, Penelope, despite the misgivings of her friends. For male pets, as is well known to their owners, are prone to certain behaviour best described as unhibited, not to say embarrassing. However, there exists a tried and tested method, although one Penelope is reluctant to employ...
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Added on: Jan 31, 2009 |
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