Story Codes:
F/f F/m modification D/s S/M real nc Forced Heavy
Featuring a great deal of BDSM. Mostly F/f FF/f. Body modification. Pretty serious 'Ds' situations and plenty of sex. Has a plot, some charater development and a nasty twist at the end.
This is a first person novel length story that I wrote for my own amusement a few years back. Some of the characters and situations were then changed as a third person variation in my published novel "Black Widow" on Lulu. Looking back and re-reading, I realise that there is too much blah blah in the first part of the story but it certainly hots up later. I hope that you all enjoy this attempt and forgive my rather lumpy prose...
Size: 363 kb |
Added on: Jan 9, 2011 |
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Whole Story
(WARNING: the story may be very long and may take long time to download)
Part 1 |
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(added on Jan 9, 2011) |