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Trent Hanson (This page has been viewed 15175 times since Jun 12, 2004)
(Author: if you want to add/change/update any information below, please email me)

Author's Words:
Ever since I was a teenager fantasizing about women, but still too shy to actually approach any of the girls in my class, I have been adept at transcribing my fantasies to words. This however is my first attempt to publish any of my writings.

I guess if I have a fetish at all, this is it. I love the idea of others reading my stories and being aroused by them. To picture women taking my stories to bed and not just being aroused, but reading them as they message themselves until they cum. To think "I helped do that," is a very satisfying feeling.

Over the last five years I have not transcribed many of my stories. Instead I have been whispering them in my wifes ear as I hold her tight, and play with her. This has become our foreplay. However, I recently sent one such story to a friend, and she suggested I attempt to have it published. So as I develope more stories I will continue to submit them to

Author's Homepage:
Send Author Email: explode (at) bondage (dot) com

Total 1 Stories by Trent Hanson

#1 Our first date by Trent Hanson (14 kb) 0 votes! (0/10, 0 votes) (review it)
  (Added on Jun 12, 2004) (This month 48064 readers) (Total 52251 readers)
  Story Codes: M/f real romantic Heavy

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