(This page has been viewed 19936 times since Apr 7, 2006)
(Author: if you want to add/change/update any information below, please
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- Author's Words:
- I\'m editor of True Tales: An Erotic E-zine of Masculinity and Power, an online gay magazine whose contributors include Felice Picano and the late John Preston. I write mainstream fantasy stories, gay historical fantasy tales, and contemporary gay leather fiction. Stories in all three genres often depict friendships (especially male friendships). Stories in all three genres are often placed in dark settings, such as prisons or wartime locations. That does not necessarily mean, however, that the overall tone of the story is dark.
- Author's Homepage: http://duskpetersonDOTcom
- Send Author Email: sophrosuneATfastmail (dot) com
Total 1 Stories by DuskPeterson