(This page has been viewed 40036 times since Jul 24, 2003)
(Author: if you want to add/change/update any information below, please
email me)
- Author's Words:
- I am very pleased to received feedback. Y/you do not have to vote to do so. Feedback I can use to make Me a better writer is always appreciated. Praise and constructive criticism are equally welcomed.
Also if Y/you only wish to write a word or two, I would encourage Y/you to do so. The reason I write is for O/others to either enjoy the stories I have written, relate to what I have written, or to learn from what I have
written. If I manage to do just one of those three things, I am pleased. So let Me know.
- Author's Homepage:
- Send Author Email: eureka0 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Total 4 Stories by Sir_Nathan