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Sally\'s Quality Audit Author: Michelle Byssom
(Added on Nov 3, 2010) (This month 54036 readers) (Total 58412 readers)
Sally, a sex slave in the House of Painsluts, has a bad quality audit. To save herself, she chooses to undergo a session with a cruel pervert who will take her to the edge. Will she survive?

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 4
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0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 75% 25%
Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (9.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (9/10)

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Reviewer: Aurelie.Catena (Edit) Rating: Jan 6, 2016
Very well written and imaginative. (10/10)

Reviewer: sulkon (Edit) Rating: Jun 14, 2012
The two previous reviews contain pretty much all I had to say (and more) so this one is just to add another rating. I liked the story very much. (9/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Nov 4, 2010
Harsh, cold action between descriptions veering on the poetic, in a set-up which felt like doc 'bones' McCoy or engineer 'Ay kant hold'rr much long'r Sir' Scotty by accident wandered off into dr. Mengele's surgical facility.
All I can add is a pointy-eared 'fascinating' and grant a well deserved niner.
And give a hearty and warm 'welcome-back' to Miss Byssom.

Reviewer: Michael247 (Edit) Rating: Nov 4, 2010
Sally's Quality Audit is one of those intriguing stories that embraces a lot of different emotions and concepts, and then ties them together in a convincing knot - much like the pain knot at the top of poor Sally's head.
*** First off, let me say that I was attracted to the mechanical bureaucracy of Sally's imprisonment. The strict rules, the "quality audit", even the review seemed to set up a sort of expectation of life that appeals, even as it repels. Sally's seemingly apathetic views to her situation force the reader to wonder how it all started, and if taken by force (as is revealed later) how the hell had they broken her? Was it as bad as what her "ex-master" had done to her? Later, as it is revealed she is an unwilling participant, some of that lovely mechanical-ism is lost, but is then replaced by a feeling of pity for Sally, her lost life, her husband, and the life she had taken away from her.
*** The introduction of the surgeon is well handled, though I felt an opportunity was missed by the author, Michelle Byssom with Sally's recognition of the man. It would have been even more interesting had the surgeon know she recognized him, or that he actually knew her, or even better, knew her husband, and how terrible her leaving had been for him. And then have the surgeon done what he did anyway.
*** From a grammatical perspective, "Sally's Quality Audit" is well done. I found one misplaced modifier, where there was some verb confusion, but that was it. If there were other errors, I was so caught up in the story that I didn't notice. So super kudos there.
*** One of the things I really liked about this story was the pacing. It was steadily moving, without any quick spurts or dead time. Tension rose with each paragraph, rising to a nice climax. My only complaint was the ambiguous ending, which leaves the reader in a state of perplexed need. This wouldn't be so bad if we hadn't walked the entire time in Sally's footsteps, feeling her pain, her sadness, the horror of her existence, all the while wishing it was us in that room with her. Damn. We're a sick bunch, aren't we?
*** It's really too bad that the author decided not to include any codes for this story. A lot of Library readers refuse to peruse stories that lack codes. I'd recommend adding them to any future stories. And speaking of that... why the dry spell? Granted, I haven't read any other Michelle Byssom stories, an error I will shortly be correcting, but four years? That's a long time to make people wait.
*** All in all, Sally's Quality Audit provides a rich, deep, scary world to explore. We sympathize with the protagonist, even as we watch her suffer and.. uh... die? live? Beats the heck out me. To be honest, maybe its better to leave that in the minds of the readers. I hope Sally lived, though I would imagine her hands are ruined and it's unlikely her breasts will be in any kind of condition to be used again. An excellent story that moves the plot along well, describes not only the action, but the scenery, and touches deeply upon the emotions and desires of the readers. But what the hell is up with that surgeon? What a weird fetish! Surgical glue and plugs? LOL. Oh well... to each his own. Yours Faithfully, Michael Alexander ( (9/10)

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