Michelle Byssom
(This page has been viewed 118469 times since Nov 5, 2004)
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- Author's Words:
- The kinds of words I write for work are usually hard and factual, although I have always been good at expressing myself in language. From my early years I've written little private stories mainly for myself (horrifying my mother who once found a bundle of them!) When younger, working out my yearning for a Man in whose touch I would melt and whose nameless dark desires I would serve; as I grew older and learnt to relish the taste of being a victim, trying to create the pure perfection of what it should have been like, instead of the usual heart-break it would invariably become. Incredibly, I find myself still chastely married after many secure and (mostly) lovely years! My slightly wanton nature is my gift to my husband who classifies himself as "vanilla - with some wild notes." I still chat and do role plays from time to time, and I still write. Is wickedness soluble in art? Ah yes, here it is, old John Berryman, who posed the question and answered it at the start of his Sonnets to Lise: "let boys and girls with these old songs have holiday/ if they feel like it."
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Total 13 Stories by Michelle Byssom